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Mixing Slab

Quick Overview

A glass slab with wooden cradle for the grinding of pigments.

The friction created between the sand-blasted surfaces of the glass slab and muller facilitates the thorough mixing of pigment and medium, creating a consistent and strong paint body. This slab can be used to manufacture many types of paint including watercolours, egg tempera and oils.

Mulling is of particular importance when making oil paint; simply mixing pigment and oil together using a palette knife will result in an unstable substance with poor plasticity, which contains a large amount of excess oil and unevenly distributed pigment particles. Thorough mulling in a figure-of-eight motion will enable the pigment to be fully combined into the binder, strengthening the resultant paint film.

PLEASE NOTE: The separate glass slabs are in stock but it is a call to order item due to the fact that we cannot guarantee its safe delivery, however well we package it. Please ring us to discuss your delivery options. In combination with the glass frame, delivery is more secure but we still cannot guarantee a delivery without breakage.


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  • Mixing Slab

Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
LC32411 Glass Slab 40 cm x 30 cm 6 mm & Hardwood Frame
LC32401 Glass Slab 23 x 33cm (10mm thick)

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LC32402 Glass Slab 40 cm x 30 cm 6 mm thick

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LC32410 Hardwood Frame Only - pairs with 6mm slab