Your search 'payne s grey pastel/skin/frontend/default/cornel/images/border-dot-right.gif' did not match any products.
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Search results for 'payne s grey'
Lascaux Studio Acrylic Colours 250ml
Starting at: £25.70
Great quality acrylic paints ideal to use in silkscreen printing. Mix the colours undiluted to obtain the desired hue and then add the Lascaux Screenprinting Paste. It is advisable to experiment initially, to determine satisfactory working mixes. To find a satisfactory working ratio, it is useful to first print colours using a 50/50 mixture of undiluted colour to paste and to then shift the ratio depending on the results. *Please note, this range is stored offsite. Please allow extra time for your order to be processed and dispatched. Learn More -
Charbonnel Aqua Wash Colours
Starting at: £10.70
Water-washable inks with oil emulsion suitable for Intaglio printing including etching, drypoint, aquatint, monoprint and mezzotint. Learn More