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Gamblin Galkyd Medium

Quick Overview

Galkyd is an oil painting medium created by Gamblin. They write:

"Galkyd thins oil colours and increases transparency and gloss. When used in greater proportions with oil colour, Galkyd will level brush-strokes, creating an enamel-like surface. Galkyd is our fastest-drying painting medium. Thin layers will be touch-dry in approximately 24 hours."


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  • Gamblin Galkyd Medium

Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
4114301004 Gamblin Galkyd Medium 125ml
4114301008 Gamblin Galkyd Medium 250ml
4114301016 Gamblin Galkyd Medium 500ml
4114301032 Gamblin Galkyd Medium 1L