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Cranfield (Spectrum) Spectragel Medium

Quick Overview

From the Cranfield website:

This is a thixotropic alkyd medium designed to mix with oil colours, retaining the body of the paint. Spectragel is a gloss medium and is quick drying. It is a clear medium based on a synthetic resin that improves the weather resistance of oil colours; ideal for glazing and extending colours while retaining gloss and structure of paint.


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  • Cranfield (Spectrum) Spectragel Medium

Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
SP0572 Cranfield Spectragel Medium 250 ml
SP0573 Cranfield Spectragel Medium 1 Litre
SP0574 Cranfield Spectragel Medium 2.5 Litre
SP0576 Cranfield Matt Spectragel Medium 250 ml
SP0577 Cranfield Matt Spectragel Medium 1 Litre