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Parchment Clippings

Quick Overview

Parchment Clippings, usually waste goatskin vellum, were utilised throughout the Middle Ages to make an animal hide glue. This continued to be commonly used as a sizing for canvas before rabbit skin glue came to prominence in the nineteenth century. Parchment glue is comparable to isinglass glue, as it also produces a very pale, almost transparent glue with a degree of flexibility. Our parchment clippings are a mixture of vellum scraps, and may include goatskin, calfskin and sheepskin. Cennino Cennini gives a recipe for gesso using parchment in his treatise about painting; please see below for our recipe.

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  • Parchment Clippings

Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
LC27463F Parchment Clippings 100 grams
LC27464H Parchment Clippings 250 grams