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Permacoll size dries within 15 to 30 minutes, and metal leaf can be applied hours or even days later. This product is designed to achieve decorative metallic finishes on surfaces that are not exposed to weather or excessive wear. It has more adhesive strength than Instacoll and is therefore particularly well suited for gilding with imitation metal leaf. The final surface is not burnishable. *PLEASE NOTE - COLOURS OF THESE PRODUCTS MAY VARY SLIGHTLY FROM PRODUCTS PICTURED*
Kölner Permacoll, Red

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  • Kölner Permacoll, Red
  • Kölner Permacoll, Clear

Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
CRPCC100 Kolner Permacoll Size Clear 100ml
CRPCR100 Kolner Permacoll Size Red 100ml