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Terre Verte Pigment

Quick Overview

Terre Verte, sometimes known as Green Earth, is a natural earth pigment derived from clay coloured by iron silicate. As with other natural pigments, impurities can prevent it from fully dispersing in an acrylic binder, although it is a popular pigment in all other mediums.

It has been in use since antiquity, providing excellent lightfastness and great transparency, with a low tinting strength. It requires a high volume of oil, and dries slowly to create a soft, flexible paint film. When calcined, Terre Verte becomes Burnt Green Earth.

Toxicity B


Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
LC15061C Pigment 15 ml Terre Verte (16g)
LC15063F Pigment 100 grams Terre Verte
LC15064H Pigment 250 grams Terre Verte
LC15065J Pigment 500 grams Terre Verte
LC15066K Pigment 1 Kilo Terre Verte


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