Recipe for a Casein Pigment Binder
Casein powder (2 parts)
Distilled water (16 parts)
Ammonium Carbonate powder (1 part)
Please note: Ammonium Carbonate should only be used in a well-ventilated space
Add half of the water to the casein powder, before slowly stirring in the ammonumium carbonate. Leave the mixture to stand for one hour, stirring occasionally. The mixture should form a clear paste, which you can dilute to the consistency of single cream with the remaining water, stirring to achieve a smooth texture.
When making your paint, it is advisable to pre-wet the pigments with a little distilled water. Water can also be used to dilute the paint down to the desired consistency, and it is also advisable to use wet brushes when painting, so as to avoid damaging the hairs. Casein solutions only last for a few days before they start to deteriorate, so they are best used immediately.