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Stil de Grain

Quick Overview


Stil de Grain is a natural yellow pigment derived from unripe buckthorn berries, which were also once used to produce sap green pigment before the introduction of synthetic alternatives. Stil de Grain may also be known as brown lake, yellow lake, Persian lake, buckthorn lake, Dutch pink, yellow carmine and Italian pink. It has a weak tinting strength, and is very transparent, especially in oil. When mixed with oil, the pigment becomes saturated, darkening considerably in colour and drying very slowly, whereas in a water-based paint it is appears as a warm yellow. It is very fugitive to light, and compatible with all media, except lime.

Larger quantities are available by request.

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  • Stil de Grain

Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
LC11100C Pigment 5 grams Stil de Grain
LC11101E Pigment 50 grams Stil de Grain