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Pelikan Drawing Ink A Black


Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
PE21186 Pelikan Ink Drawing A 30 ml Black
PE21166K Pelikan Ink Drawing A 1000 ml Black

Customer Reviews

2 Item(s)

Best Ink for Cartooning Review by Pete
I have used Pelikan Touche A for 25 years and completely agree with Jon (above) on its qualities. I have never found another ink that can match it for my lively sketchy style of drawing. Very black. Very matt. If it starts to get a little thick on the pen during a long session at the art board then a few drops of distilled water into the supply renders it free-flowing again. Not easy to find in 250 ml bottles. Thank you Cornelissen! (Posted on 06/03/2016)
Best Black India Ink Review by Jon in Washington, DC
I use Pelikan "A" with dip pens, brushes, and airbrushes. The rich black pigment is consistently the darkest and most opaque I have ever used. The vehicle dries to a matte finish with no shellac reflections as happens with some other brands. For extra fine mapping or crow pen use I mix in a drop of ox gall due to the slightly higher viscosity of the ink straight out of the bottle. Whether for final artwork or for reproduction, Pelikan "A" is the best india ink I've used. (Posted on 10/04/2015)

2 Item(s)

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