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Cranfield (Spectrum) Clear Acrylic Canvas Sealer


Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
SP0939 Spectrum Clear Canvas Sealer 250 ml
SP2123 Spectrum Clear Canvas Sealer 1 Litre

Customer Reviews

1 Item(s)

Fascinating waterless sealer Review by edd
This canvas sealer is interesting in that it has no water content, seemingly. This means that you can use it on paper, as a sealer or primer, and the paper buckles far, far less than you would imagine. a really useful product for oil or acrylic on paper work, requiring little or no stretching prior to use. A drum tight canvas, conversely, seems to sag a little, when primed with this product. The finish is super slick, and turpsy oil washes handle a little thinner than mixed, in comparison to those used on standard primers. All in all a very useful and cost effective surface preparation though. (Posted on 05/09/2011)

1 Item(s)

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