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Roberson 1810 Medium

Quick Overview

This is a traditional, high-oil "fat" painting medium, made using the highest quality materials. It will retain colour strength, is resistant to bleeding, has good flow release, is ideal for blending, and can be mixed with oil colours in any ratio. When dry, it creates an enamel-like surface.

Contains: Stand oil, Cold-pressed Linseed oil, Canada Balsam, Rectified Spirit of Turpentine, Beeswax, Driers.

Clean tools in white spirit.
Do not use as a varnish, always mix with oil colour.


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  • Roberson 1810 Medium
  • Roberson 1810 Medium

Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
CR33538D Roberson 1810 Medium 35 ml Tube
CR33539F Roberson 1810 Medium 120 ml Tube