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Viridian Green Pigment

Quick Overview

Viridian Green is a synthetic inorganic pigment, similar in composition to Chromium Oxide. However, unlike Chromium Oxide, Viridian contains water molecules within its crystal structure, imparting a greater degree of transparency. Sometimes referred to as Verte Eméraude, Viridian was discovered in France in 1838, patented in 1859, and made available in the UK in 1862. It is stable in all media, and offers excellent lightfastness and good tinting strength. It requires a high oil content, and dries slowly to form a hard, fairly flexible paint film.

Toxicity B


Availability: In stock

SKU Product Name Price Qty
LC15071C Pigment 15 ml Viridian Green (9g)
LC15072E Pigment 50 grams Viridian Green
LC15074H Pigment 250 grams Viridian Green
LC15076K Pigment 1 Kilo Viridian Green


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